Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ultrasound #2

So my second ultrasound was today.  The little man is in prime position for birth! He looked so incredibly squished though, you could only see little parts of him.  like his foot, ear, and part of his face.  The sonographer said he's about 5 lbs 12oz so basically 6 lbs which is right on schedule.  He's just about 3 weeks away from due date, so any day now he can come!

Oh and we've pretty much settled on a name. But we're keeping it quiet in case we change our minds last minute, which wouldn't surprise me..

So that's the update for now (: Just patiently (or trying to) waiting for when he's ready and praying for a safe delivery.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It takes a village

I was just thinking about this today,

I'm sure it takes a village to raise a baby, but heck it takes a village just to HAVE a baby.  Seriously so thankful and blessed for all of the support and generosity from family and friends.  I don't know how anyone could do it on their own.  From the clothes and the gear to the advice and just daily help (you know, things like grabbing something for the pregnant girl so she doesn't have to painfully waddle over and get it), THANK YOU!!!

I am so blessed with the greatest family, friends, and church family and it makes me so happy (:

And on a separate note, I feel like I'm joining a special club of moms.  Other moms are just more open with me, even if I don't know them, and supportive and kind.  It's kind of cool.  So thank you random strangers of motherhood as well! Can't wait to have this little guy to be officially part of the group.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Lately I've realized when I talk to my friends about being pregnant I only mention the bad stuff.  I think that's because no one ever told me about the aches and pains that come with it. I mean, I knew it would be uncomfortable, but I've had a really tough pregnancy so I was kind of caught off guard.  I didn't know morning sickness could last all day for eight months straight!

But there's so many great things about being pregnant, and I don't talk about them enough.  You're making a little person! That's amazing. I can't even wrap my head around what my body is doing and that he's going to be a little piece of me and Chan. And thinking about what he's going to look like and be like is so exciting. It's THE most exciting thing I've ever experienced. I am so in love with this little guy and I haven't even met him :)

So while I moan and groan about not being able to turn over in bed or get up without pain, I would do it a million times over again just to have this little boy growing inside of me.  Taking care of him is the most important thing to me and I will never regret that. It is going to be so incredible to have my own family. I'm soooo ready for it.