Monday, June 17, 2013

Chomp Chomp

This little one got another tooth today. #4 is well on its way too. So many teeth! No more gum smiles :(

Clearly they're celebrating her pearly whites in that picture.

My little girl is growing so fast...I don't want to forget any of it (:

Thursday, June 13, 2013

My life

Sometimes I look at the two little people playing on the floor in my living room and think,

wow, they're really mine? I have two kids? Two little mini mixes of chan and I?

It's crazy. I wrote a letter to myself 4 years ago in high school wondering about what my life in 2013 would look like. What dog I would have and what state I lived in. Never in a million years would I have believed that I would have two kids! And no dog... Hahaha

I am so happy and so glad my life turned out the way it did. It's nice to step back and just take it all in some times. Life goes by in a whirl of diapers and naps and giggles with two little's ones. I know these moments are precious, and I sure do love them (:

Sunday, June 2, 2013

This weekend...

This weekend chan played for Molly Hunt at the hoedown. It was incredible. I love seeing him do what he loves. he's crazy talented that boy of mine (:

After all the practices and long nights we got to finally relax today. We decided to go to our favorite spot, Zola's Cafe, for breakfast. It was the first time we've been with both kids. We have been so many times with Kingston and it was a big deal to finally be back with the newest Welling.

And as you can see, Arizona was pretty excited about eating (or sucking on) her first apple. You should have heard her yell at Kingston when he took it away haha!

All in all good weekend. Now time to organize and pack up for Parker's wedding in Nashville!

Busy busy bees over here...

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Today was long. Lots of things went wrong, but these 2 always make it better.

Also, can we talk about those rolls for a second?! The. Best.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Two littles

I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't nervous about what life was going to be like once we brought Arizona home. Would Kingston like her as much as he did my belly? Would he be jealous and angry at us? Will I still have that special time with my little man while caring for this new little girl?

Being home as a family of four has exceeded my expectations and has surprised me at how not crazy it is. Granted, I do have chandler home all week and he has been super hero dad. But I heard horror stories (and I mean horror stories) about what bringing home number 2 could be like so I was prepared for the worst. Thankfully Kingston has been in heaven this week having his dada home all day playing those crazy games he loves. Its like the weekend all week! i'm sure he is thinking. But all in all it is calm and fun and just kind of exciting.

A special mention to Chandler for being super hero mom and dad while I rest up. He cleans, plays with babies, watches Arizona while kingston and i play, and is constantly telling me to go nap while he holds down the fort. Super. Hero.

Arizona is such a docile sweet baby. I literally think she may be an angel. Kingston wasn't the easiest newborn so I wasn't sure what to expect this time around. She sleeps through everything (and I mean Kingston cooking num nums in his pots and pans EVERYTHING), eats really well, never cries, and is just so content and happy. We are in LOVE. Even if she were the crankiest baby around she's got enough cuteness to cover it.

And these two littles together... My hurt can't take it! Kingston adores her, never forgets she's around and asks about her constantly. He always wants to hold her and kiss her and pretend to eat her (: when we took her to the drs yesterday he wailed, crying out for his bebe as they weighed and checked her out. Already so protective of his little sister. I am so proud of how he took to being a big brother. No resentment or jealousy just pure love and adoration for his little sister. He is incredible.

I know this isn't normal everyday life yet, and I am still curious how its going to work just me and the two littles during the day, but right now it is perfect.

I am so thankful to God for these two incredible blessings he's given us. I couldn't ask for more.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Big brother

Kingston has started coming up to me and lifting up my shirt to see my belly. He then asks me to talk to the baby girl and brings his toys to push on my belly and show her. Then he gives my belly a bunch of kisses. I don't know how he knows, but he truly does and it completely melts me. He is going to be the best big brother.